About Me
Currently, I am an HPC Software Engineer at Qognitive. I design and implement efficient numerical methods for machine learning and quantum computing algorithms and workflows. Previously, I was a Member of the Technical Staff at Lucata where I worked on porting GraphBLAS to Lucata's custom hardware. My work focused on implementing highly parallel linear algebra methods in C/C++. Before that I was a Flatiron Research Fellow in the Center for Computational Quantum Physics at the Flatiron Institute developing more efficient and robust algorithms for quantum chemistry. For a detailed description of my experience and publications please see my resume.
I contribute to a number of open source software projects, here are a few:
Fast Pauli
A fast and memory efficient library for evaluating and simulating Pauli strings for quantum computing and machine learning.
An accessible Python package for quantum chemistry.
Implementation of the heat-bath configuration interaction (HCI) algorithm for strongly correlated quantum chemistry calculations.
The fast randomized iteration algorithm applied to coupled cluster methods.
Thoughts and tutorials on scientific computing, quantum chemistry, and software development.
- CMake Intro Lucata Inc. Internal Meeting 2023
- PySCF Overview Talk, CCQ Retreat 2021
- SHCI: A Semi-Pedagogical Introduction, Berkelbach Group Meeting 2020